

International Students

Poster des Votrags der Gastpoetin Kit de Waal, der obere Bereich zeigt ihr Portr?t in Schr?gansicht, unterhalb sind die Daten und die Anmeldeinformationen zu dem Vortrag und dem Workshop vermerkt
? Colourbox - Dizanna

Welcome to Augsburg!

You are planning to study here in Augsburg? Wonderful! We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of our students.

On this page you find some information on living in Augsburg, studying here and what there is to know beforehand. Feel free to browse and contact us directly if some questions remain unanswered.


? Colourbox - Constantine Pankin

In order to get accepted to one of our study programs, you’ll have to fulfill these requirements:

  • university entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung)
  • language skills certificate if necessary (Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren)
  • visa
  • residence permit (including fees)
  • German health insurance



You can apply for our study programs via online portal. After your registration, you’ll be able to download the ?Antrag auf Zulassung“ (request for approval). Submit this document along with the ones listed above to the Studierendenkanzlei. When everything is alright, you’ll receive the ?Antrag auf Einschreibung“ (request for enrollment) with which you can enroll to your study program at the Studentenkanzlei.?For enrolling you’ll also have to submit a copy of your passport and a CV.


You can find further information and helpful links below. If you have still any questions, please contact the consulting staff?(listed under ?Beratung“) for your study program or the International Office.



Augsburg is a wonderful city to live and study. It is Germany’s third oldest city and has a population of about 300.000 inhabitans, plus 885.000 in its metropolitan area.


Famous sights are:

  • the oldest social housing complex Fuggerei
  • the historical city center
  • the town hall with the Golden Room
  • the Perlachturm, a bell tower built in 989
  • the Augsburger Puppenkiste, the famous puppet theatre
  • Textile and Industry Museum
  • the Cathedral founded in the 9th?century as well as various churches from different centuries

This list can go on forever. If you want to know more, please consult the university’s introduction to Augsburg as well as the city’s tourism website.


? Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH
? Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH
? Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH
? Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH

After you have decided to move here, you have three choices:

  1. Halls of residence, provided by the Studentenwerk
  2. Private apartment
  3. Shared flat

No matter which one you chose, start early to look for a place to make sure you’ll get one before the semester start.

Living in Augsburg


Your application has been accepted and your studies are about to begin. Congratulations!

However, there remain quite a few questions regarding administrative and organisational processes? You’ll find some basic information in the following:

  • Campus Card: your student ID as well as semester ticket for public transportation
  • Student Service: go there for all administrative questions and problems
  • Computer Service:?go there for all IT and computer problems
  • Funding: there are several possibilities to finance your studies here including scholarships and student jobs
  • Cafeterias: there are several cafeterias on Campus including our canteen offering various dishes
