

You can register for teaching events using the www.digicampus.de platform.

  • Eligibility: BEFORE registering for a teaching session, you must check whether the required session can be counted towards a module you would like to take. This information is only binding if it is included in the published module catalogues. If a session is not given for a module and a specific reference number is not given within a module, this session does not count towards the module.
  • The earliest registration date for teaching sessions on the Digicampus is set uniformly for KTHF, Phil-Hist, Phil-Soz, MNF and FAI. Lots will be drawn if too many people register to participate or in case of several tutorial/introductory seminar groups. Exceptions are the fresher events (HG1, PG1 and geostatistics), which are released after the first semester introduction (Thursday in the last week of the lecture-free period).
  • Registering for examinations: You must register for the examinations in the separate? Studis system within the specified registration periods. The precise dates can be found during the respective semester on the webpages of the examination office.




The binding module catalogues can be found on the webpages of the examination office for the respective course:


B.Sc. Geographie

B.Sc. Geoinformatik

M.Sc. Geographie

M.Sc. Klima- und Umweltwissenschaften

M.Sc. Geoinformatik


Lehramt Grundschule – Geographie

Lehramt Hauptschule – Geographie

Lehramt Mittelschule – Geographie

Lehramt Realschule – Geographie

Lehramt Gymnasium – Geographie


Please note: You must also register for the teaching sessions on the? Digicampus. A session only counts towards a module if it is included in the required module in the module catalogue and has the correct reference number.





The current semester offer of block sessions of the Institute for Geography can be found in this PDF document:


Blockveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2020 - PDF
