

Theoretical Physics III: Correlated quantum matter

In our research we are interested in the dynamics of correlated quantum matter at the interface between quantum many-body theory, nonequilibrium physics, quantum information science, and machine learning. The research covers the development of a theory of dynamical quantum phase transitions, the dynamics in lattice gauge theories, the exploration of machine learning techniques as a new toolbox in quantum many-body theory, many-body localization in interacting strongly disordered systems, or entanglement in correlated quantum matter.


Below you can find a selection of recent research conducted in this group.


The full list of publications of the chair can be found here.

April 19, 2024

Honorary doctorate for Prof. Dieter Vollhardt

Prof. Dieter Vollhardt was awarded an honorary doctorate by the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 of Warsaw last week in recognition of his scientific achievements and longstanding collaboration with theoretical physicists at the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 of Warsaw.

Four men in traditional academic clothing, three of which are wearing black gowns and one, second from right, wearing a red gown (Rector).
Dec. 5, 2023

Leading quantum mechanical research

The Centre for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM) was established in the early 1990s. Since then, it has become a top research institute in the field of quantum mechanics. The meeting of the scientific advisory board of the EKM in Augsburg, composed of leading experts in the field, confirms this.

Quantenmechanische Forschung
Sept. 27, 2022

Feenberg 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】al für Augsburger Physiker

Dem theoretischen Physiker Dieter Vollhardt wurde in den USA die "2022 Feenberg Memorial 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】al" verliehen. Vollhardt, ehemaliger Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Theoretische Physik III/Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus am Institut für Physik der Universit?t Augsburg, erhielt die hohe Auszeichnung zusammen mit Antoine Georges (Frankreich) und Gabriel Kotliar (USA).

Gabriel Kotliar (USA), Dieter Vollhardt und Antoine Georges (Frankreich) bei der Verleihung der Feenberg Memorial 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】al.
Sept. 21, 2022

Fundamentale Frage der Quantenphysik

Ein internationales Team von Physikern unter Beteiligung der Universit?t hat erstmals eine wichtige theoretische Vorhersage der Quantenphysik best?tigt. Die Berechnungen dazu sind so komplex, dass sie bislang selbst Supercomputer überforderten. Den Forschern gelang es jedoch, sie mit Methoden aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz deutlich zu vereinfachen.

Sept. 9, 2021

Paper: Reinforcement Learning for Digital Quantum Simulation

Digital quantum simulation on quantum computers provides the potential to simulate the unitary evolution of any many-body Hamiltonian with bounded spectrum by discretizing the time evolution operator through a sequence of elementary quantum gates. A fundamental challenge in this context originates from experimental imperfections, which critically limits the number of attainable gates...

July 27, 2021

Paper: Unitary Long-Time Evolution with Quantum Renormalization Groups and Artificial Neural Networks

In this work, we combine quantum renormalization group approaches with deep artificial neural networks for the description of the real-time evolution in strongly disordered quantum matter. We find that this allows us to accurately compute the long-time coherent dynamics of large many-body localized systems in nonperturbative regimes including the effects of many-body resonances.


Contact information:

Address: Universit?tsstra?e 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: +49-(0)-821-598-3701?(Secretary’s office)

Fax: +49-(0)-821-598-3725


Office: 410 (S)

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