Tomas Marttila / Vincent Gengnagel: Post-Foundational Discourse Analysis and the Impasses of Critical Inquiry
Jules Duchastel / Danielle Laberge: Beyond the quantitative and qualitative cleavage
Johannes Angermuller / Julian Hamann: The celebrity logics of the academic field. The unequal distribution of citation visibility of Applied Linguistics professors in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom?
Boris Traue / Andreas Hirseland / Holger Herma / Lisa Pfahl / Lena Schürmann: Die Formierung des neuen Sozialbürgers. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung von Subjektivierungswirkungen der Hartz IV-Reform
Kevin Howley: Violence, Intimidation and Incarceration: America’s War on Whistleblowers
Martin M?lholm: The Existential ?Anruf? as the Agency of the Anti-Objectives of the Discourse on Stress
Anders Horsb?l: Controversies over freedom of expression: reflections on a discourse studies approach
Pia Müller: Critical Discourse Studies und Social 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】ia-Diskurse: Theoretische und methodische Herausforderungen sowie m?gliche L?sungsans?tze
Christoph Haker / Lukas Otterspeer: Right-Wing Populism and Educational Research. Exploring theoretical and methodological perspectives