

Anne van Bergen M.A.

Freie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
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Further Information

Anne van Bergen is affiliated with team META as an external researcher. She is interested in the impact of technology on the more subtle aspects of human action and interaction and the ethical and political questions that follow from this.




Nijsingh, N., &vanBergen, A.(2019) "Epistemic architecture: steering the public perception of the messy problem of antibiotic resistance." Emerging Topics in Life Sciences3(6): 737-40.


Nijsingh, N., van Bergen, A., & Wild, V. (2020). "Applying a precautionary approach to mobile contact tracing for Covid-19: The value of reversibility."Journalof Bioethical Inquiry, 1-5.


Ranisch, R., Nijsingh, N., Ballantyne, A., van Bergen, A., Buyx, A., Friedrich, O., ... & Wild, V. (2020). "Digital contact tracing and exposure notification: ethical guidance for trustworthy pandemic management." Ethics and information technology, 1-10.
