


anita fetzer and augustin speyer (university of saarbrücken, germany)


The project comprises a contrastive analysis of German and English, examining discourse relations and discourse coherence in English and German discourse. We focus on the frequency of overtly represented discourse connectives to signal discourse relations, and on the semantics of discourse relations, and we address the fundamental question of granularity, accounting for the relevant unit of investigation: clause, sentence or (even) larger units.


Speyer, Augustin & Fetzer, Anita. 2018. “Well would you believe it, I have failed the exam again”: Discourse relations in English and German personal narratives. Pragmatics in Society 9(1): 26-51.


Speyer, Augustin & Fetzer, Anita. 2014. The coding of discourse relations in English and German argumentative discourse. In Gruber, Helmut & Redeker, Gisela (eds.). The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence. Theories and Applications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 87-119.


Fetzer, Anita & Speyer, Augustin. 2012. Discourse relations in English and German discourse. Local and not-so-local constraints. Intercultural Pragmatics 9(4): 413-452.
