

ARTE-Dokumentation ?Abenteuer Tiefseekabel - Die Vernetzung der Welt“ mit Beitr?gen von Prof. Simone M. Müller

?99 Prozent des weltweiten Datenverkehrs l?uft heute nicht etwa über Satellit, sondern über Seekabel, die am Meeresgrund liegen. Der Film?zeigt, wie Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zwischen Irland und Kanada das erste transatlantische Tiefseekabel verlegt wurde. Es verband Nordamerika mit Europa und legte den Grundstein für die Entwicklung eines globalen Kommunikationssystems.“


TV-Ausstrahlung auf ARTE am Samstag, 7. September um 13:40 Uhr


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Weitere Informationen: Link zum Buch "Wiring the World. The Social and Cultural Creation of Global Telegraph Networks" von Simone M. Müller

Workshop Matter and Meaning: New Material Ecologies in Culture and History

The workshop “Matter and Meaning” investigates both material histories and the intricate relationships that exist between societies and their material and ecological environment. It is informed and yet seeks to move beyond the ‘constructivist- essentialist impasse’ that has long dominated environmental history, for instance.


Inspired by New Materialism while also critical of it, this workshop discusses contributions curious to explore a theoretical position that deems these two polarized positions of a postmodern constructivism and positivist scientific materialism as untenable. Instead, it endeavors “co- constitutive ‘intra-actions’ between meaning and matter, which leave neither materiality nor ideality intact” extrapolating both how this plays out in history, social, and cultural studies and where the limits of such an ontology lies.


This is the second workshop in a series of three, in a collaborative sequence between the Universities of Augsburg, Konstanz, Tübingen, Basel and ETH Zürich, and takes place on September 30 and October 1, 2024 at the Environmental Science Centre (WZU), Room 101


Workshop programme 98,0?KB


Poster Workshop 98,0?KB
