

Titel der Dissertation: ?????Pushing the Boundaries of Behavioral Privacy Research: Information Privacy and Beyond.


Titel der Dissertation: Three Essays on Individual Digital Technology Use and Sustainability.


Titel der Dissertation: Human Behavior in the Context of Disruptive Digital Innovation.


  • Dr. Maximilian Frhr. von Welck (2021)

Titel der Dissertation: The IT-Consumerization Phenomenon Understanding and Assessing its Impact on Technostress and Corporate Digital Security.


Titel der Dissertation: Value Creation in the Sharing Economy.


  • Dr. Andreas Hoegen (2018)

Titel der Dissertation: Influencing behavior on digital platforms: the impact of motivation and framing on investment decisions in crowdfunding.


Titel der Dissertation: Information Privacy: An Analysis of Individuals' Risk Perception and Coping Strategies.


Titel der Dissertation: Digital Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Business Models, and Network Externalities.


  • Dr. Philipp Kl?cker (2014)

Titel der Dissertation: Resistance Behavior to National eHealth Implementation Programs.


Titel der Dissertation: Multichannel Commerce: A Consumer Perspective on the Integration of Physical and Electronic Channels.


Habilitation im Fach Betriebswirtschaftslehre (2019)?


Titel der Dissertation: Developing and Evaluating a Cloud Service Relationship Theory.


Titel der Dissertation: Green Information Systems in the Residential Sector: An Examination of the Determinants of Smart Meter Adoption.


  • Dr. Eva Peslova (2012)

Titel der Dissertation: Customer Value of Internet-based Business Services: Towards a Conceptual Model.


  • Dr. Martin Barth (2011)

Titel der Dissertation: Process Virtualization in the Public Sector: Towards Citizen-Oriented E-Service Selection.


  • Dr. Georg Buss (2011)

Titel der Dissertation: Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Computing Infrastructures: Towards a Scalable Market Mechanism.


  • Dr. Sabine Stollhof (2011)

Titel der Dissertation: Datenschutzgerechtes E-Government.


  • Dr. Nils Parasie (2010)

Titel der Dissertation: Adoption of E-Government Standards: Increasing Interoperability in the Public Sector.


Titel der Dissertation: OpenNP: A Generic Programming Model for Network Processors.


Titel der Dissertation: Engineering Interrelated Electricity Markets: An Agent-Based Computational Approach
