



The chair contributes to a successful academic education with courses in the study program of human medicine, in the different study programs of geography (bachelor, master and teacher training programs) and in other inter-faculty study programs (e.g. LfU ring lecture). In accordance with the interdisciplinary character of the chair, there is also an open structure in teaching, e.g. by offering specific, joint courses designed for both, medical and geography students.


A substantial part of the teaching activities is focused on the field of environment and health, in particular on the field of human bioclimatology. Climatic conditions can have a direct impact on human health, mainly through changes in extreme weather events such as heat waves, heavy rainfall and drought events. Indirect effects can also be identified, which are brought about by changes in natural systems. These include links with air quality, especially ozone, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and aeroallergens, and with vector-related infectious diseases such as malaria and tick-borne encephalitis. There is a close link between the teaching and research activities of the chair. Corresponding teaching activities include lectures, seminars and exercises in the various courses of study as well as the assignment and supervision of final theses.


In addition, imparting general climatological basics is important, as the climate is a fundamental component of the geosystem. Besides teaching general climatological basics, knowledge of natural climate variability in the past and present is important to be able to put temporal changes in the right context. Based on this, climate change and its consequences are discussed.


A further teaching focus is on urban climatology and urban ecology, since urbanisation can be regarded as one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century besides climate change. The focus here is on the field of "Urban Health". For this purpose, exercises and practical courses in micro- and mesoclimatology are held, with different focuses and degrees of specialisation in the various courses.


In addition, courses in the field of quantitative statistics and programming courses (FORTRAN, R) are offered.



In accordance with the research focus of the chair, we offer theses preferably in the following subject areas:


  • Temperature extremes, heat waves, thermal stress
  • Biogenic and anthropogenic air constituents
  • Climate and environmental factors of vector-borne diseases
  • Regional and local climate change
  • Urban climatology, urban ecology and urban health

?Feel free to contact us if you are interested in writing your thesis!

