The primary goal of the project ?F?rderung von Lehrerprofessionalit?t im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t? (LeHet) is the sustainable further development of teacher education programs at the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 of Augsburg toward a comprehensive and effective promotion of professionalism of pre-service teachers when dealing with student heterogeneity.?LeHet is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the program ?Qualit?tsoffensive Lehrerbildung?.
Hartinger, A.,?Dresel, M., Matthes, E., Nett, U. E.,?Peuschel, K., & Gegenfurtner,?A. (Eds.). (2022).?Lehrkr?fteprofessionalit?t im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t.?Theoretische Konzepte, F?rderans?tze, empirische Befunde.?Waxmann.