

Exam derogation

Incoming students usually take part in the regular examination dates. For students who, in justified cases, are unable to attend the prescribed examination dates in Augsburg, there are two possibilities:


  • Students for whom a simultaneous examination under supervision at their home university is possible will be?offered to take this option.
  • Students for whom no simultaneous examination is possible will be offered a collective alternative date for the examination by the examining unit during their time in Augsburg.

Note: This is only possible in justified cases. Students who wish to take advantage of either option must submit a written application to the Center for International Relations within a reasonable period of time each semester:?Summer term -??? ?? End of May, Winter term - End of November. In addition, students are obliged to establish?contact via their International Office.



What to do - Exam derogation

  1. Send your completed form ?with all necessary information and attachments by the deadline to?cir-incoming@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
  2. The Center for International Relations in Augsburg will check your request and contact the contact person of the International Office of your home university
  3. You will be informed within 6 weeks whether your request has been accepted or not

Contact person

Dr. Jonah Otto
Team CIR
Center for International Relations
  • Room 2517 (Building J)
