

General Information

The chair regularly offers three seminars per academic year. There is one Master seminar on Health Economics and a Bachelor seminar on empirical economics each winter term. In each summer term a Bachelor seminar on Health Economics is offered. All important dates can be found on Digicampus. Make sure to register for the seminar in Digicampus early so that you do not miss any important information.


Bachelor Seminars:

The allocation of seminar places within the cluster "Economics" runs centrally via the Digicampus system. The official info events of all seminars of the cluster are in the first week of the respective semester. More information is provided here.

Prerequisites, Expectations, and Recommendations

  • Health economics is a largely empirical discipline. Therefore, we highly recommend that students attend empirically minded courses prior to participating in a seminar. For Bachelor students we recommend ?Introductory Econometrics“ or ?Methods for Emprical Social Sciences“ and for Master students ?Econometrics“ or ?Microeconometrics“. In case you want to participate in a health economics seminar you should have attended the respective health economics lectures, that is, ?Introductory Health Economics“ for the Bachelor seminar and ?Health Economics-Topics“ or??Health Economics-Financing“ for the Master seminar.
  • There is an obligatory 30 minutes oral presentation of each thesis.
  • The instructions for writing scientific papers ( download) should be taken seriously. A sample cover sheet and a LaTeX template can be found here.


