Main research topics
Alongside the interaction between methodological approaches in experimental fields and various data processing approaches in theoretical fields, the focus of the centre is on applications in quantum sciences, materials sciences, production sciences, and medicine. Simultaneously, the quantitative life sciences are continuing to develop at the 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】 of Augsburg.
High-resolution data acquisition and adapted data processing are among the most important technologies in the development of innovation. In this context, the fundamental methodological orientation of the centre supports research addressing a wide range of questions.
Computational 新万博体育下载_万博体育app【投注官网】icine
Modern computer-aided methods of image processing, data analysis, and numerical simulation are used in clinical medicine with the aim of improving the understanding of individual disease mechanisms and developments, diagnostics in the field of imaging and endoscopic procedures, the individual planning of complex therapeutic procedures, and the prediction of therapeutic success.
Quantitative Life Science
The quantitative life sciences combine fundamental physics, chemistry, and biology with the goal of answering fundamental biological, biochemical, and biophysical questions. Understanding active living matter across scales from DNA to the whole living being requires advancing innovative experimental measurement methods, mathematical predictive models, machine learning, and computer simulations.
Data-driven Materials
Future technologies place high demands on new engineering materials considering sustainability and resource conservation. The close interaction between computer-aided collection, monitoring, and processing and the interpretation of process and material data enables the understanding of mechanisms of action and the targeted control of application-specific component properties and manufacturing processes.
Quantum Science
Quantum mechanical effects are the basis of novel data generation and processing. Among other things, they are used in high-precision measurements of quantum sensors and in quantum computing. In addition to fundamental research on quantum matter and nanostructures, understanding quantum effects for practical quantum technologies requires accurate physical modelling enabling the control of quantum states.