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April 19, 2024

Honorary doctorate for Prof. Dieter Vollhardt

Prof. Dieter Vollhardt was awarded an honorary doctorate by the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Warsaw last week in recognition of his scientific achievements and longstanding collaboration with theoretical physicists at the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Warsaw.

Four men in traditional academic clothing, three of which are wearing black gowns and one, second from right, wearing a red gown (Rector).
March 28, 2024

Nachhaltige K¨¹hlung f¨¹r Quantentechnologie

Eine nachhaltige, nicht vom seltenen Helium abh?ngige, K¨¹hlmethode f¨¹r Quantentechnologie entwickeln Forschende am Institut f¨¹r Physik. Die Erfindung soll im n?chsten Schritt zu einem Unternehmen ausgegr¨¹ndet werden. F¨¹r dieses Vorhaben und die Vorarbeiten dazu wurde das Projektteam ?Solidcryo¡° jetzt mit dem ersten Preis des Businessplan-Wettbewerbs Schwaben ausgezeichnet

K¨¹hlk?rper des Projekts "Solidcryo"
March 13, 2024

New measuring device should improve the development of vaccines

New lipid-based medications like the mRNA vaccine used during the corona pandemic are very sensitive. A measuring device developed at the interface of the Institute of Theoretical ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿icine and the Institute of Physics at the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg can now measure the structure of such medications in a frozen state. This should make for safer storage and enable the development of more stable vaccines. The project is being funded to the tune of €1 million by the Federal Ministry for Economic A/airs and Climate Action and the European Social Fund
Katharina Beck operating the LISO prototype in the physiology lab at the Faculty of ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿icine at the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg.
March 13, 2024

Verwaltungsangestellte / Verwaltungsangestellter (m/w/d), Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakult?t

Institut f¨¹r Physik,?Zentrum f¨¹r Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus (EKM), Lehrstuhl Professor Dr. Istv¨¢n K¨¦zsm¨¢rki, Experimentalphysik V


Bewerbungsschluss: 29. April 2024

Feb. 6, 2024

Hall-effect uncovers hidden symmetry in spin-ice

Physicists from the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg succeeded to distinguish chiral orders with similar magnetization but opposite sense of rotation through electrical measurements at low temperatures. This is relevant for fundamental research on complex magnets and with respect to possible applications for magnetic data storage. The results were published in the renowned journal Nature Physics.

Visualisierung Spineis
Feb. 5, 2024

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group funding awarded to Dr Aisha Aqeel

Dr Aisha Aqeel has been awarded funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the development of a Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on ¡°Spintronics with chiral helimagnetic insulators¡± at the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg. Aqeel and her research team will focus on the development of unconventional magnetic systems, referred to as helimagnets, and the optimisation of these systems for energy efficient spintronic applications.

Dr. Aisha Aqeel
Jan. 26, 2024

Discovery of high order skyrmions and antiskyrmions

Researchers at the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg and the ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Vienna have discovered co-existing magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature in magnetic Co/Ni multilayer thin films. Their findings have been published in the renowned journal Nature Physics and open up the possibility for a new paradigm in skyrmionics research. The discovery of novel spin objects with arbitrary topological charge promises to contribute to advances in fundamental and applied research, particularly through their application in information storage devices.

Jan. 24, 2024

Professor Erich Krautz-Preis 2022 f¨¹r Dr. Andreas Weh

Mit diesem Preis w¨¹rdigen die Stiftung und das Institut f¨¹r Physik Andreas Wehs herausragenden theoretischen Untersuchungen der Gleichgewichts- und der Transporteigenschaften stark wechselwirkender elektronischer Modellsysteme.
Dr. Andreas Weh
Sept. 27, 2023

Lehrpreis der Fachschaft Physik 2023 f¨¹r Prof. Dr. Leo van W¨¹llen

Der in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal vergebene Lehrpreis der Fachschaft Physik geht an Prof. Dr. Leo van W¨¹llen ?f¨¹r seine herausragende und vorbildliche Lehre im Rahmen der Vorlesung Instrumentelle Analytik¡°.
Lehrpreis der Fachschaft Physik 2023 f¨¹r Prof. Leo van W¨¹llen
Sept. 25, 2023

Professor Erich Krautz-Preis 2021 f¨¹r Dr. Romy Lena Ettlinger

Die Stiftung der Universit?t Augsburg und das Institut f¨¹r Physik der Universit?t Augsburg verleihen den Professor Erich Krautz-Preis 2021 an Frau Dr. Romy Lena Ettlinger f¨¹r ihre Dissertation "Herstellung und Charakterisierung von ÐÂÍò²©ÌåÓýÏÂÔØ_Íò²©ÌåÓýapp¡¾Í¶×¢¹ÙÍø¡¿l-organischen Ger¨¹stverbindungen als Drug Delivery System f¨¹r arsenhaltige Wirkstoffe".

Romy Lena Ettlinger
Sept. 22, 2023

New insights into magnetisation

Researchers at the Universities of Augsburg and Groningen have been able to show that the standard picture of magnetisation reversal needs to be expanded. Their findings were published in the journal Nature Communications and not only enrich basic research, but also open up new perspectives for components in the electronics of the future.
Ilustration Magnet mit Magnetfeld
July 7, 2023

Physikunterricht in 40 km H?he

Als Praxisprojekt haben Sch¨¹lerinnen und Sch¨¹ler des Gymnasiums in Mering einen Stratosph?renballon steigen lassen. Unterst¨¹tzung erhielten sie dabei vom DLR_School_Lab und dem Institut f¨¹r Physik der Universit?t Augsburg. Das Projekt fand im Rahmen des ?Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 ¨C Unser Universum¡° statt.
Ein wei?er Ballon vor blaume Himmel mit Baumgr¨¹n
